by AnarchoChristian | Jul 1, 2021 | All Posts, Anarchism, Bible, Mark West, Politics
Last time, in Part 1 The Case From Christ, we walked through the case for rejecting the use of political means for kingdom purposes from the life of Christ. We saw that on seven occasions, recorded in scripture, Jesus refused to use political means to achieve His...
by AnarchoChristian | Jul 1, 2021 | All Posts, Nationalism, Patriotism, Socialism
The following is a transcript, originally presented as The Pledge of Allegiance, Episode 57 of The AnarchoChristian Podcast The United States Pledge of Allegiance is something that has been baked into our identity as Americans since birth, and for as many generations...
by AnarchoChristian | Jun 15, 2021 | All Posts, Nationalism, Patriotism
Should Christians pledge allegiance to a flag?By Peter Gay Leaving aside the Socialist origin of the American “pledge of allegiance,” and its Nazi-evocative usage in history, I want to address the question on principle. In reality, the concept is absurd. To promise...
by AnarchoChristian | Jun 13, 2021 | All Posts, Anarchism, Mark West, Non-Aggression, Politics
What political party or side is right? What should a Christian do when it comes to politics? If you want my straight, simple, and short answer, I would recommend that Christians avoid political means altogether. That is just where I am at this point in my journey. It...
by AnarchoChristian | May 12, 2021 | All Posts, Podcast Episodes
AnarchoChristian proudly presents this special radio broadcast style recreation of J Gresham Machen’s 1926 testimony against the creation of the Department of Education. AnarchoChristian Resources:Discover More Dr. Machen! Articles and Podcast episodes –...
by AnarchoChristian | Apr 26, 2021 | All Posts, Podcast Episodes
How can understanding Voluntaryism change the way we view charity, and the threat of force in state assistance? Join me, and our friends from Voluntaryism In Action, to discuss better alternatives than state taxation and redistribution. Voluntaryism In...