Most people imagine having multiple Gods as a Hindu shrine; a horizontal plane, populated with many figures of deity. Another might be as the hierarchy pantheon of Greek gods; Zeus on top, and various levels beneath of lesser gods, as if displayed on a two dimensional tapestry and hung on a wall.
Due to our inclination to find ourself the center of our universe, I think it necessary to point out an eclipsing of God that has happened in the hearts of the American Christian. It is my hope that in the heart of a Christian, God is placed on a metaphorical pedestal. But what happens if we put something in front of him? Not necessarily equal height, but up lifted above ourselves- something to marvel or take pride in.
In an illustration; if we physically took a graven image of God and placed it on a tall pedestal, then placed a flag, or relevant symbol of a State, on another somewhat shorter pedestal, but still above our line of sight and without quibbling over inches above or below each other- what does that first object you lift your eyes to begin to to do to the second higher object behind it? Eclipse it. Now you only see the first object with your heart’s eyes. Now you look to it first for your protection. Now your pride goes first to the only object you see.
Even though we still know the second object is there, we fail to really look on it.