
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

Most Christians do not realize the magnitude of how they read Romans 13. After all, most Christians that would exert “subjecting ourselves to governing authorities” as a devastating trump card to any dissenting opinion of the Government, also extols the virtues of the American Revolution. The two thought processes can come into conflict more often than not, but again, go largely unrecognized.

Much has been written on the topic by men wiser, and more articulate, than I. So, rather than rewriting everything already said, without any significant new input, and without further adieu, please see the below list of resources specifically referencing the Romans 13 argument.

Oh, and by the way, The State is who threw the Christians to the lions.

Romans 13 resources

AnarchoChristian Podcast Episode 18 dives into a portion of David Lipscomb’s Civil Government for keen insight into one of the prominent interpretations for the Christian Anarchist.

David Lipscomb‘s Civil Government PDF. Page 70 – 73.

NT Wright “The New Testament and the ‘State’”: http://theologicalstudies.org.uk/article_state_wright.html

Following from above, here’s more N.T. Wright, focusing just on Romans, so going a bit deeper. And I really like the way it specifically focuses on Romans 13 at the end (right before the short overall conclusion), with six delineated short summary points. Just this portion could be lifted when necessary. You may notice that Wright uses “anarchist” in a way different from most self-identified anarchists, but in the end this is not a big issue. “Paul and Caesar: A New Reading of Romans”

Here’s a nice overview of the basic theological landscape and issues, ultimately giving a Mennonite perspective. “Submission to Governing Authorities: A Study of Romans 13:1-7”:

Preston Sprinke, focusing a bit more on the violence/war implications and interpretations, but also tackling it all. “Kingdom of God, Politics, and Romans 13”: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2012/11/16/evangelicals-militarism-and-romans-13-preston-sprinkle/

Short video of Stanley Hauerwas in the midst of a debate. This could probably be mostly reduced to the idea that Romans 13 must be read in light of the preceding Romans 12, but as Hauerwas knows, the actual hearing of it is sometimes the best argument:

NT Theologian Scot McKnight. You may notice that like Wright in an above piece, he does not use “anarchist” in the same manner as anarchists usually do, but again this isn’t the main issue. “Kingdom of God, Politics, and Romans 13”:

Leonard Reed, “Rendering Unto Caesar: Was Jesus A Socialist?” The full last quarter of the piece focuses on Romans 13. While not a theologian, Reed has thoughtfully engaged here: https://fee.org/media/14934/reed_rendering_unto_caesar.pdf

Chapter 10 of John Howard Yoder’s “Politics of Jesus,” titled “Let Every Soul Be Subject: Romans 13 and the Authority of the State”. Here’s a dropbox link to a pdf of that chapter:

Jacques Ellul, from the book “Anarchy and Christianity” (pp.77-85). PDFs of the book are on the net, but here is the dropbox link to those pages (starts at the bottom of page 77 under the “5. Paul” section):

Vernard Eller’s book “Christian Anarchy,” Chapter 8 (pp. 196-204), “Christian Anarchy and Civil Disobedience”:http://www.hccentral.com/eller12/part8.html
Norman Horn’s posted summary on Libertarian Christians:

Christoyannopoulos, Alexandre – Responding to the State.pdf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7xleedgvzva7tq9/Christoyannopoulos%2C%20Alexandre%20-%20Responding%20to%20the%20State.pdf?dl=0

James Rogers (May 10, 2017), “Weaving Chapter 13 Back into Romans
Another good piece about the context with Romans 12 forming a single related unit, and then the main theme about Christian prohibition on taking vengeance.

Original List and Google doc link provided by Scott Bakke


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