“Sometimes good people must do bad things to stop bad people.”
This is a false dichotomy. When good people do bad things, they cease to be “good people”. At that point you have bad people stopping bad people, by using the most violence.
With that said, we, people, are emotional and irrational. We try not to be. We try hard. But our emotions can be easily manipulated. We argue morals from the conclusion, as if the ends justify our means. But you wont be “good” if that’s how we rationalize.
This is especially true for Christians.
We think we will be sitting with the same end, the same conclusion, but we will be far removed if we used force to get there. You made people moral through oppression, torture or death? Not only did you not accomplish morality, but you have become immoral as well.
We must argue from the means. Are they moral or not? Is taxation theft. It doesn’t matter if you like the new park, or library. Is it theft?
Is melting the flesh off of a civilian, be it 1 or a million, in a nuclear holocaust bad? It doesn’t matter if you feel safe, or think it will preserve your culture.
We need to be more critical of someone manipulating our emotions. We think we hold ourselves to fairly high moral standards, but we can’t let our immoral desires come through by justifying evil in the form of a government, and let someone else act on our wicked behalf. It is outsourcing our depravity through voting, and sitting comfortably making excuses. We will not be off the hook so easily.
But why do we do this?
Sin. It’s the same sin to do an immoral and egregious act as it is to vote it out for someone else to accomplish. They are the same and no one is immune. That’s the bad news. The Good News, however, Christ died for that sin. He died for the men who dropped atomic bombs on children. He died for the men that torture others, and rip families apart. And he died for the ones that sit back, thousands of miles away, and celebrate the atrocities sinners do to the image of God.
We must repent. Doers, and celebrators. We all must repent. I hope the Holy Spirit begins regeneration in anyone that might get to this point and be convicted. We are poisoned by sin, and it shows itself in nationalism far worse than most individuals can achieve alone. Christ didn’t put a caveat to his commandments and actions. He didn’t say, “…unless your nation approves.” Repent. Become a citizen of heaven. Be known by our Love, not our bombs and flags.
Repent and be known by His Love