Happy Easter! Let’s continue our Easter movie reviews with the epic film The Robe.
AnarchoChristian Resources:
The Passion of the Christ, EP69 – https://www.anarchochristian.com/the-passion-of-the-christ/
Render Unto Caesar, EP 58 – https://www.anarchochristian.com/render-unto-caesar-ac058/
Romans 13, EP 18 – https://www.anarchochristian.com/romans-13-and-david-lipscombs-civil-government-ac018/
Amazon links:
The Robe, DVD – https://amzn.to/3JLnVgE
The Robe, Book – https://amzn.to/3OdY0Bv
Sweet AnarchoChristian gear!
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/s?rh=n%3A7141123011%2Cp_4%3AAnarchoChristian&ref=bl_sl_s_ap_web_7141123011
Proud Libertarian – https://proudlibertarian.com/collections/anarchochristian
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Tune by Owen-Glass
Beats by Semiotician
For some reason I haven’t had any of the episodes of Actual Anarchy/Last Nighters show up in my Pocketcasts feed since November. The Facebook page for the show hasn’t been updated since around then and it looks like their website is also down so I had assumed they had to stop recording new episodes unexpectedly until this episode. Would you be anle to pass along to the AA/LN guys that it seems like there’s some kind of technical issue stopping their episodes from getting out. Pocketcasts pulls them from podomatic.com, but YouTube and Apple, and every other place I’ve found that they have posted episodes or links to them before are also stopping at episode 260 in November of 2021.
Also on a tangentially related note, did you leave MeWe?
Hi Alex! Unfortunately AA/LN are on hiatus right now. This episode comes from their podcast a couple years ago. Hopefully they come back soon!
And yes, we left MeWe to focus on our other platforms. Our social media presence was being stretched too thin. Sorry for any frustrations that might’ve caused!